Dr. Juris Svenne

Professor (retired)

PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1965

Research website: http://www.physics.umanitoba.ca/~svenne/index.html


Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2
Phone: +1-204-474-6195
FAX: +1-204-474-7622
Email: svenne physics.umanitoba.ca

Research interests:

Multi-Channel Algebraic Scattering Theory (MCAS). This research focuses on the interaction of nucleons (protons and neutrons) or mass-3 and mass-4 nuclei with light and medium-mass nuclei. A method of coupled channels is used to obtain detailed information about the scattering of these systems, as well as the structure of the compound nuclei formed as bound states of the projectile with the target nucleus. With the advent of Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) experimental facilities, such as ISAC and ISAC-II at TRIUMF, where beams of unstable, radioactive nuclei can be produced and accelerated, the range of nuclei that is subject to detailed experimental study has increased enormously. We are no longer confined to the narrow valley of stable nuclei in the chart of the nuclides, but can travel up the slopes and even plateaus of radioactive nuclei to either side, out to the proton and neutron drip lines. The drip lines are where the nuclei become unstable to emission of either protons or neutrons. Using a recently (2003) developed methodology for Multi-Channel Algebraic Scattering (MCAS), such unstable nuclear systems can also be studied by theory which has some predictive power. For example, in a 2006 Physical Review Letter, we published results for the proton-unstable nucleus 15F that showed, not only a particle-unstable ground state, but several narrow resonances at higher energy. Such states have now been confirmed experimentally in a paper published by Mukha, et al. in June, 2009.

Few-Body Physics. I have worked on few-body problems for over 25 years. My most recent work in this field has been on pion absorption and production on very light nuclei, in collaboration with the Padova group. The work is on pion absorption on the deuteron and the three-nucleon system with two-cluster final states. This uses the same basic mechanisms and input on (πN), (NN) and (πNΔ) interactions as in the deuteron problem The three-nucleon system is treated exactly in a Faddeev-based theory. Final-state interactions are correctly taken into account.

Recent publications:

  • Coupled-channel calculation of bound and resonant spectra of 9ΛBe and 13ΛC hypernuclei, L. Canton, K. Amos, S. Karataglidis, and J.P. Svenne, arXiv:nucl-th/0912.1970, International Journal of Modern Physics E, 19, 1435 (2010).
  • Coupled-channel evaluations of cross sections for scattering involving particle-unstable resonances, P. Fraser, K. Amos, L. Canton, G. Pisent, S. Karataglidis, J.P. Svenne, and D. van der Knijff, Phys . Rev. Letters, 101, 242501 (2008)
  • Constraints on the spectra of 17,19C, S. Karataglidis, K. Amos, P. Fraser, L. Canton, and J.P. Svenne, Nuclear Physics, A813 235 (2008)
  • Nuclear Theory -- Nuclear Power, J.P. Svenne, L. Canton, and K.S. Kozier, Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 45 No.4, 57 (2008)
  • Non-localities in nucleon-nucleus potentials and their effects in nucleon-nucleus scattering, P. Fraser, K. Amos, S. Karataglidis, L. Canton, G. Pisent, and J.P. Svenne, European Physical Journal A, 35, 69-80 (2008)
  • Canton et al Reply, to a Comment by Fortune and Sherr, L. Canton, G. Pisent, J.P. Svenne, K. Amos and S. Karataglidis, Phys. Rev. Letters, 99, 089202 (2007)
  • Particle-unstable and weakly-bound nuclei with a Sturmian approach that preserves the Pauli principle, L. Canton, K. Amos, S. Karataglidis, G. Pisent, J.P. Svenne, and D. van der Knijff, Nuclear Physics A790, 251c - 256c (2007)
  • Collective-coupling analysis of spectra of mass-7 isobars: 7He, 7Li, 7Be, 7B, L. Canton, G. Pisent, K. Amos, S. Karataglidis, and D. van der Knijff, Phys. Rev. C 74, 0604072 (2006); arXiv: nucl-th/0604072
  • Predicting narrow states in the spectrum of a nucleus beyond the proton drip line, L. Canton, G. Pisent, J.P. Svenne, K. Amos and S. Karataglidis, Phys. Rev. Letters, 96, 072502 (2006); arXiv: nucl-th/0510067
  • Low-energy neutron-12C analyzing powers: results from a multichannel algebraic scattering theory, J.P. Svenne, K. Amos, S. Karataglidis, D. van der Knijff, L. Canton and G. Pisent, Phys. Rev. C, 73, 027601 (2006); arXiv: nucl-th/0510088
  • Comparison between two methods of solution of coupled equations for low-energy scattering, K. Amos, S. Karataglidis, D. van der Knijff, L. Canton, G.Pisent, and J.P. Svenne, Physical Review C 72 , 064604 (2005); arXiv: nucl-th/0510085
  • Compound and quasi-compound states in low-energy scattering of nucleons protons from 12C, G. Pisent, J.P. Svenne, L. Canton, K. Amos, S. Karataglidis, D. van der Knijff; Physical Review C, 72, 014601 (2005); arXiv: nucl-th/0502016
  • Role of the Pauli principle in collective-model coupled-channel calculations, L. Canton, G. Pisent, J.P. Svenne, D. van der Knijff K. Amos, and S. Karataglidis; Physical Review Letters, 94, 122503 (2005); arXiv: nucl-th/0409050
  • An algebraic solution of the multichannel problem applied to low energy nucleon-nucleus scattering, K. Amos, L. Canton, G. Pisent, J.P. Svenne, and D. van der Knijff; Nuclear Physics A728, 65-95 (2003)
  • Three-Body Dynamics in One Dimension: A Test Model for the Three-Nucleon System with Irreducible Pionic Diagrams, T. Melde, L. Canton and J.P. Svenne, Few-Body Systems, 32, 143-168 (2002)
  • Practical Approximation Scheme for the Pion Dynamics in the Three-Nucleon System, L. Canton, T. Melde, and J.P. Svenne, Physical Review C, 63, 034004-1-10 (2001)
  • Spin Observables for Pion Production from pd Collisions, L. Canton, G. Pisent, W. Schadow, and J.P. Svenne, Nuclear Physics, A684, 417c-419c (2001)